birthday with chocolate


happy birthday to u...
happy birthday to u..
happy birthday 
happy birthday
happy birthday toooo
(err nyanyi ngn kuat ex):P

ehem3!yusma nadia da pandai bagi hadiah...terkejut2??..please dont!

Nah!ini hadiahnya!...wink2...
this present untuk my dear muchuk2!...comel kan??
present ni aq order kat SINI

tapi kecian kat akak comel ni coz pusing2 cari rumah byak kali,...again sorry...lain kali saya bgi full map!..hehehee...harganya pown murah!.baru 4o henggit kowt...murh kan...x rugi untuk orng trsayg...
so if korng ase cam pening jer nk fkir bgi hdiah apa,bgi jew choc special ni..kan senng.comel pown comel..
so,i wished smeone muchuk ni semoga
dpnjangkan umur n dimurhkan rezeki
n berbhgia selalu
n chat slalu...

CHUP!i ase da mula romantik ni!ok take a break jap...feel mai..:P

im not alone!


    i dont know what am i doing right now
seriously,i fell like crying..
sometimes,i want to get rid of it...
everything i did doesn't work perfectly!

ALONE!!i want ALONE..
but i know i cant!
sitting alone make me more down..
i juz need my family...
my friends
and of course the first thing is ALLAH..

my tears keep falling down....
i rasa nk peluk my dearest friend...
sitting wif my sis,make me fell more better..
and it make me realize 
i need em!

and ask ALLAH why det kind of situation 
happened many times!
kerana itu lah ujian yg diberi...
ad now i try to get myself back...

wordless wednesday

adakah aq yg paling lmbat???

kak long miss u both like crazy!! much!!
cute kan diorang!..k,nia n adik umar..:))